Keep Your Digital Marketing Simple and Predictable with a Funnel


Implementing an inbound/content marketing funnel strategy is the most recommended way to replace outdated methods like traditional ads and cold calling.


Unfortunately, marketing funnels can easily become complex and costly to maintain if you don’t do a lot of research and planning before implementing inbound marketing.


You may end up paying thousands of dollars a month on marketing software and inbound agencies or consultants  to keep your funnel running effectively.


Today, it is possible to build and maintain an affordable inbound content marketing funnel using  simple cloud-based applications, and working with freelance designers, writers, and virtual assistants.


A basic marketing / sales funnel allows your website to attract more visitors, turn visitors into potential customers, and convert a portion of them into paying customers.


The following steps will help you to start building an inbound marketing funnel now:

Start with a basic marketing plan

  • Who are your ideal customers?
  • What is unique about your product or service?
  • What is your message (selling point) to them?
  • What are your preferred channels (writing, audios, videos, social media) for offering educational content?


Make your website the center of your funnel

  • Add a blog to implement content marketing, and provide educational content to potential customers
  • Add free downloadable offers, available to people who provide their email address
  • Build a landing page with an opt-in form to capture contact information. this usually requires separate software (apps) that link to your website platform
  • Add separate sales description webpages for each product / service you offer
  • Include an order page for your products and services
  • Add a thank-you page that appears once an order is placed.
    this page can be linked to a thank you  or welcome email that is also sent to new customers



Optimize your website for SEO (search engine optimization)

Use tools such as Yoast SEO to add the right keywords and meta descriptions to your website.


This data will be processed by search engines to categorize and index your website for online searches



Connect your website to email marketing software

Create a basic email lead nurturing sequence that repeatedly sends informational and promotional messages to people who have provided their contact information to you.

This is easy to do with email marketing software like Engagebay or Zoho Campaigns.



Use social media to promote your website

  • create a Twitter or Facebook account to share your website content and to create posts that promote your free offers.You can also pay for social media ads to attract more response to your posts and articles.




Analyze your campaign results

Most marketing software and platforms have analytics features that allow you to see how your campaigns are performing.

this lets you know where your marketing is doing well, and where it needs improvements.




Keep your marketing simple

Connecting your website to a few marketing applications (form builder, email software, CRM tools) makes it easy and affordable to continuously run your marketing campaigns, only making changes or updates when needed.


In the long run, your inbound marketing funnel will attract and convert a lot more qualified customers than using cold calling and other untargeted methods


 Avoid These Common Marketing Mistakes!

Please visit and get your free report, 26 Marketing Mistakes & Simple Ways to Avoid Them: How to Attract Loyal Clients on a Small Budget.

Discover 26 of the most serious mistakes that entrepreneurs, small business owners, consultants, and other self-employed individuals routinely make when trying to promote their products and services.

You will also get:

  1. Weekly emails that will help you build a profitable marketing funnel
  2. Tips to help you find competent and reliable freelance copywriters and consultants
  3. Learn how to use direct marketing methods within your inbound funnel for more effective results
  4. Bonus downloads that discuss best practices for building your own marketing funnel




Learn why setting up your marketing content as a sequence (marketing funnel) is the most effective way to promote a small business affordably.



Please visit if you need immediate help improving your marketing system.


Learn more about inbound marketing funnels

For a more detailed introduction to marketing funnels, visit these sites:


Magnetic marketing principles:

Why Content Marketing is Useless Without a Content Plan

Content Marketing is Useless Without an Inbound Strategy


While content marketing is an important part of your marketing funnel, as far as building trust in your business, it may not accomplish much if it’s not focused on providing educational content that matters to your potential customers.


Creating entertaining blogs posts or videos that attract a lot of attention and engagement doesn’t necessarily lead to more customers and sales.


Content marketing / inbound marketing needs to be carefully planned to ensure it aligns with the needs and profiles of your target customers:

  • Challenges, problems, desires
  • Which topics actually matter to their careers and lives?
  • Where do they get information (books, videos, courses)?


A Strategic Content Marketing Plan is Your Inbound Roadmap

Your content marketing plan needs to consider the entire buying journey(funnel), from initial awareness to purchase.

This means that each segment of your marketing funnel, such as blog posts, free downloads (lead magnet), and email sequences, should contain information that is appropriate for that stage of your purchase path.


A potential customer who has just discovered your business needs more informational content than someone who has already interacted with your articles and email messages a few times.


If a first-time website visitor doesn’t find the information they’re  looking for from your blog posts or home page,  they will  be less willing to provide their contact information to continue interacting with you. Many people will simply leave your website and never come back.


 How does a Content Strategy Help?

  A well-planned content marketing strategy will allow you to create educational content and materials that attract a lot of quality website traffic.

Adding a free offer within your blogs and articles will encourage potential customers to provide their email addresses in exchange for your downloadable materials.


Building an email list in this manner makes it much easier to continuously promote your products and services to people who have shown an interest in what your have to offer.




What is Included in a Content? Marketing Plan?

  • Challenges, problems, desires of your typical customer
  • Which topics actually matter to their careers and lives?
  • Where do they get information related to your product (books, videos, courses)?

Creating a content marketing plan will give you a clear sense of direction that ensures your free, educational content and materials are actually helping you to attract more customers and clients, instead of just giving away free advice.


Specifically, You Will Discover:

1 Your target audience
The topics you write about or talk about need to be relevant to your most important customer segments.

This means staying   focused on topics that are directly related to the problems your products and services solve.

Your potential customers will be more receptive to your sales offers if your free content has done its job of building up your authority and trust factor within your industry.


2 What is unique about your business?

The internet has made it easier for competitors to offer the same features, discounts, and guarantees as everyone else.

That’s why it’s important to position yourself as a trustworthy consultant who actually wants to help his /her customers succeed.

Your articles, blog posts, or videos should give potential customers a glimpse of your business methods, your personality, and opinions.


3 Which Content formats do your customers prefer?

Depending on the age and education levels of your typical customers, it may be preferable to create mostly written content, instead of videos or podcasts.

This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t offer content in other formats. The idea is to spend most of your marketing budget on educational materials that will actually be consumed by your target audience.


4 Which channels /media to focus on

Today, there is a variety of places where you can publish your educational marketing content:

  • Websites
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Traditional brochures
  • Email messages


Just like the formats you focus on, the choice of publishing channels depends on the characteristics of your target customers.

You may decide to focus on one main marketing channel, and share one piece of content (blog post, article) on different platforms in order to attract a larger number of readers or viewers.


5 The best way to schedule and manage your content marketing pieces

Your content marketing plan should also include a calendar detailing:

  • Content marketing topics
  • Where the content will be posted
  • The date and time when it will be posted online


A simple Excel or Google spreadsheet will help you to create simple content calendar.


6 The most effective ways to link educational content to the other segments of your marketing funnel (pipeline / sequence)

A well-planned content strategy should be designed to ultimately convince website / blog visitors to enter the sales component of your marketing funnel by providing their contact information.

In order to persuade content readers to enter your sales funnel, you need to continually ask them to sign up for a free download, free consultation, or other valuable offer.

An easy way to promote email sign-ups is to include links at the bottom of every article, blog post, or social media post.

These links ask people to provide their email addresses in exchange for your free offer.

Your free offers and email marketing messages should be related to the topics of your blog posts and other content, in order to stay aligned with your overall inbound strategy.


A Content Plan Simplifies Your Marketing

A marketing funnel, combining both educational content and promotional messages, offers many advantages over using  disconnected platforms and messages:

  • Create free content that is relevant to your potential customers
  • Easily discover new content marketing topics to write about
  • Continuously repeat your most important messages and brand positioning to potential customers
  • Automate the process of converting prospects into customers
  • Focus your marketing budget on proven techniques, formats, and channels







 Avoid These Common Marketing Mistakes!

Please visit and get your free report, 26 Marketing Mistakes & Simple Ways to Avoid Them: How to Attract Loyal Clients on a Small Budget.

Discover 26 of the most serious mistakes that entrepreneurs, small business owners, consultants, and other self-employed individuals routinely make when trying to promote their products and services.

You will also receive:

  1. Weekly emails that will help you build a profitable marketing funnel
  2. Tips to help you find competent and reliable freelance copywriters and consultants
  3. Learn how to use direct marketing methods within your inbound funnel for more effective results
  4. Bonus downloads that discuss best practices for building your own marketing funnel



Create Your Own Content Marketing Plan!

If you would like to create online content that attracts more qualified website visitors, please contact us today





Email Newsletters: A Simple Way to Build Strong Customer Relationships

newsletter image


A simple email newsletter is one of the cheapest, easiest ways to stay in touch with your customers and ensure that they continue doing business with you for years to come.


Newsletters are really effective because they allow you to educate and inform your customers while also promoting your products and services.


Offer Practical Advice

The topics you cover in your newsletter can be practical, useful advice that will help your customers or clients improve their careers or their businesses:


  • Tips for hiring good employees
  • Improving customer service
  • Advice for enhancing soft skills


You may also choose to share other people’s articles if you don’t have the time to create enough content for each newsletter issue.


The idea is to talk about topics that matter to your customers and  keep your name in their minds, when it comes to offering solutions to their problems.


Newsletters Increase Customer Loyalty

As you probably know, it’s much cheaper and easier to sell to your current customers than to chase after new ones.


People are overloaded with offers and distractions, and will forget about your brand if you don’t occasionally get in touch with them.


A basic digital newsletter allows you to interact with customers and, at the same time, remind them that you offer other products and services. Doing this is much cheaper than paying for online advertising.


An email newsletter can be sent automatically through email marketing software on a weekly or monthly basis, without any extra work on your part.

Newsletters can also be reused for many years, with only minor updates.



 Avoid These Common Marketing Mistakes!

Please visit and get your free report, 26 Marketing Mistakes & Simple Ways to Avoid Them: How to Attract Loyal Clients on a Small Budget.

Discover 26 of the most serious mistakes that entrepreneurs, small business owners, consultants, and other self-employed individuals routinely make when trying to promote their products and services.

You will also receive:

  1. Weekly emails that will help you build a profitable marketing funnel
  2. Tips to help you find competent and reliable freelance copywriters and consultants
  3. Learn how to use direct marketing methods within your inbound funnel for more effective results
  4. Bonus downloads that discuss best practices for building your own marketing funnel



Why You Need to Keep Testing and Optimizing Your Marketing Content


The Internet has made it cheaper and easier than ever to start and promote your own business. Unfortunately, this has also made it harder than ever to attract and retain loyal customers.


Potential customers are exposed to so much media ­—emails, ads, social posts, photos, videos, text messages— that it’s harder and harder to hold their attention and try to build a relationship with them.


Even if you provide the most helpful and practical information through your blog or have a great product or service to offer, you won’t accomplish much unless your website and other online content attract a reasonable number of visitors, and persuades them to take some form of action.



Conversion Rate Optimization is The Key

Conversion rate optimization is a process that helps you find the weak spots in your marketing funnel (sequence) that are keeping more prospects from turning into customers or clients.

While this methodology can become complex and require the help of technical consultants, it’s possible for a small business to implement a simpler form of conversion rate optimization.

Applying a few digital marketing optimization best practices will have an immediate impact on your website’s performance.

There is a variety of affordable cloud-based software that makes it easy to test different headlines, colors, images, etc.



Here are a few tips to help you improve your response and conversion rates:

  • Look at your website through the eyes of a potential customer
  • Pay attention to how professional and user-friendly your site feels
  • Include call-to-action links within your educational content (blogs, articles) that promote a free book or course to email subscribers
  • Always ask people to take the next step in the buying process: Watch videos, sign up for a free consultation
  • Include customer reviews in your marketing materials to increase trust
  • Add case studies of customers who have benefited from using your product
  • Place the same offer in 2 – 3 different places within lengthy blog posts or sales pages
  • Frequently update old blog posts, articles, and ads to attract new visitors



Use Digital Marketing Tools

Digital marketing technology can also help you increase response and conversion rates:

  • Use marketing funnel tools to add pop-up forms that appear when a visitor attempts to leave a landing page or email form
  • Test different versions of your landing page by changing headlines, images, and colors
  • Use retargeting technology to track previous website visitors. You will then be able to make promotional offers as they visit other websites or open their emails.


Conversion Optimization Leads to Higher Sales and Lower Costs

Implementing a few conversion rate optimization techniques in your marketing efforts will pay off in the long run:

  • Reuse existing marketing content, instead of constantly creating new ones
  • Generate higher response rates from existing campaigns
  • Make more sales from current customers
  • Stop spending money on techniques that aren’t working
  • Maintain a decent Google ranking by keeping your website active and updated


 Avoid These Common Marketing Mistakes!

Please visit and get your free report, 26 Marketing Mistakes & Simple Ways to Avoid Them: How to Attract Loyal Clients on a Small Budget.

Discover 26 of the most serious mistakes that entrepreneurs, small business owners, consultants, and other self-employed individuals routinely make when trying to promote their products and services.

You will also receive:

  1. Weekly emails that will help you build a profitable marketing funnel
  2. Tips to help you find competent and reliable freelance copywriters and consultants
  3. Learn how to use direct marketing methods within your inbound funnel for more effective results
  4. Bonus downloads that discuss best practices for building your own marketing funnel



If you would like to improve the response rates of your marketing campaigns, please click below to get started:

Copywriting Review (critique)


A Website Rewrite May Fix Your Marketing Problems

Your website provides interesting, valuable information and offers highly useful downloadable materials like e-books.

Your customers love your customer service.

You sell quality products and services that can help a lot more people if only they would buy from you.


Despite all of this, your blog posts, ads, and sales pages don’t generate the results you expect:

  • Increased email subscriptions
  • Higher sales
  • Referrals


If you’re confident about the quality of what you offer and know that your written materials contain useful and practical information, the solution to your low response rates may be to rewrite your website content and your sales materials.


How Does a Rewrite Improve Your Marketing Results?

A content rewrite turns poorly structured materials into persuasive marketing content that gets results.

Educational content, such as articles, need to accomplish certain goals, in order to build trust with potential customers:

⦁ Convince potential customers that you are an expert in your field

⦁ Follow a specific sequence that provides readers with strong arguments that support your main ideas

⦁ Provide information that has practical value to your potential customers

⦁ Give readers a glimpse of your personality and approach to doing business


Promotional materials and content, on the other hand, should follow proven sales and persuasion best practices:

  • Apply sales persuasion structures and sequences
  • Ask people to take action
  • Balance the use of logical arguments with emotional appeals
  • Focus on the needs, desires and problems of its target audience
  • Reflect your brand’s style


Applying these recommendations to your marketing materials may be all that is needed to boost your website’s performance and attain higher returns on your marketing investment.



A trained copywriter or digital marketing consultant can take a disorganized, ineffective piece of content, and transform it into a successful sales letter, email campaign, etc.

On the other hand, a webpage might be so poorly written and messy that you’re better off throwing it out and starting from scratch, rather than wasting time trying to fix it.

Either way, it’s important to remember that your website content is part of the sales process, and just like a good salesperson, it needs to be trustworthy and persuasive in order to generate the results you seek.


 Avoid These Common Marketing Mistakes!

Please visit and get your free report, 26 Marketing Mistakes & Simple Ways to Avoid Them: How to Attract Loyal Clients on a Small Budget.

Discover 26 of the most serious mistakes that entrepreneurs, small business owners, consultants, and other self-employed individuals routinely make when trying to promote their products and services.

You will also receive:

  1. Weekly emails that will help you build a profitable marketing funnel
  2. Tips to help you find competent and reliable freelance copywriters and consultants
  3. Learn how to use direct marketing methods within your inbound funnel for more effective results
  4. Bonus downloads that discuss best practices for building your own marketing funnel




Improve Your Website Response Rates Today!


Email Lead Nurturing: The Key to Long-Term Customer Relationships


Your email marketing campaign is possibly the most important part of your marketing funnel, since it’s where you build a relationship with potential customers, and gradually persuade them to buy your products and services.


At the same time, it’s important to know much “nurturing” to do before you start promoting yourself, otherwise a large portion of your email list may decide to unsubscribe if they believe you are only interested in making a quick sale.


Especially in today’s overhyped world, a soft-sell approach works better than traditional aggressive advertising methods.


This is what email lead nurturing is all about.


Lead Nurturing Basics

The lead nurturing process takes into consideration the fact that most people either aren’t ready to buy, or don’t know your business well enough to place an order just yet.

Just like with a personal relationship, it takes a few weeks of  social interactions before people begin to trust you and provide more information about themselves.

Since the goal behind an email nurturing campaign is to build long-term relationships, it has to balance educational content with promotional content.

This helps to satisfy the needs of subscribers in different stages of the buying process.

Your email messages should include both links to your blog, as well as to your product sales pages. Doing this allows email recipients to either get more information about you, or to place an order if they are ready to do business with you.



Lead Nurturing Tips

Your email lead nurturing campaign consists of a series of emails

(autoresponders) sent over a few weeks to people who gave you

their contact information and downloaded your free materials.


During this period, you will send messages that assure potential customers you are an expert who can be trusted, and who provides quality products and services


Convert the right prospects into loyal customers:

  • Design a sequence that becomes more direct and promotional once potential customers have been exposed to your informational content and have learned more about you
  • Offer practical tips to help customers find the right provider for your type of product or service
  • Include customer success stories and reviews to build your credibility
  • Offer prospects free consultations, or inexpensive products to encourage them to take a chance on you
  • Repeat your email campaign (re-engagement) targeting people who didn’t open your messages, or failed to respond


 Avoid These Common Marketing Mistakes!

Please visit and get your free report, 26 Marketing Mistakes & Simple Ways to Avoid Them: How to Attract Loyal Clients on a Small Budget.

Discover 26 of the most serious mistakes that entrepreneurs, small business owners, consultants, and other self-employed individuals routinely make when trying to promote their products and services.

You will also receive:

  1. Weekly emails that will help you build a profitable marketing funnel
  2. Tips to help you find competent and reliable freelance copywriters and consultants
  3. Learn how to use direct marketing methods within your inbound funnel for more effective results
  4. Bonus downloads that discuss best practices for building your own marketing funnel




Create Your Own Lead Nurturing Plan!

An email marketing campaign is one of the most important parts of your marketing funnel, since it gives you the opportunity to build a relationship of trust with potential customers before you ask them to buy your products and services.

Please contact me if you would like to create an effective  email marketing  plan for your small business.

I can also help you create an email marketing campaign to  convert more potential customers and clients.


Content Editing Turns Average Marketing into Winning Campaigns

Content editing is much more than checking grammar!

A good marketing content editor could be the difference between average-performing promotions and digital marketing campaigns that get attention and results.

Some businesses may be tempted to rely on grammar checking software and cheap proofreaders to avoid hiring freelance content editors / consultants.

Doing this might end up costing you more in the form of lost sales and business opportunities.

If your marketing content and materials don’t follow best practices, such as proven sales structures and sequences, it will inform and entertain readers but won’t get them to take action:

  • Subscribe to newsletters
  • Download free reports
  • Sign up for free trials
  • Order your products and services


Search engines like Google and Bing also penalize sites with poorly structured or vague content. This keeps them from appearing in the top 2-3 pages on search results.

As you can see, it pays to invest in a good content editor, especially for critical marketing content such as whitepapers, sales pages and email lead nurturing messages.

Content Editing Addresses a Variety of Marketing Issues

A content editor will evaluate your marketing and sales content and materials to make sure they are structured to maximize results from a marketing standpoint.


A typical content edit will check for:

Structure and Flow

Sales pages, email sequences, and other promotional content need to follow specific sequences and structures to ensure they build up interest in your offerings and get people to take action.

For example, a sales letter needs to balance emotional appeals with logical arguments (features) in order to persuade a large number of people to do what you would like them to do.


Even your educational content, like blog posts, needs to balance information with promotion.

Your claims need to subtly position you as an expert that can be trusted, otherwise readers will see that you are merely promoting yourself, instead of trying to help them.


SEO (search engine optimization)

Quality content alone won’t help you if your articles and blog posts don’t show up on internet search results.  

During a content edit, your content will be checked for the proper use of keywords that potential customers use during web searches.

Meta content, such as behind-the-scenes webpage descriptions and keyword lists, also help Google and other search engines learn what your site is all about, and ensure that your webpages are indexed and categorized properly.

SEO is important in order for your website to be recognized as an authority within your industry.

Brand Copywriting Tone and Style

 Your articles, emails, sales pages, and ads need to use images and words that your target audience can relate to.

Younger customers won’t respond to slang or phrases that are used by older generations.  Older people won’t relate to imagery that appeals to millennials.


Alignment of Content with its Purpose

The objective behind a blog post is completely different than the objective of a promotional sales page.

The first is meant to build trust in your expertise, while the second seeks to get people to make a purchase or sign up for a free trial.


Adequate Balance Between Education and Promotion

While inbound / content marketing tends to focus more on educating and building trust with potential customers, you also have to position your product or service as the right solution for them.


This means that you have to promote your email newsletters, free guides, and other incentives to encourage people to enter your marketing funnel    by providing their email addresses.


A simple way to include promotional elements within your blog posts and articles is to add CTA (call-to-action) links that ask readers to sign up for a free newsletter or e-book.



Marketing Weak Points

Some content editors may provide additional suggestions to help optimize your marketing / sales funnel for better results.

For example, you may be alerted about missing marketing funnel segments or conflicting tones and writing styles.

Sometimes, an incomplete marketing sequence may be the reason why your online content isn’t generating the results you desire.


Content Editing Generates Huge Returns on Investment

If your email marketing, sales pages, and other promotional materials aren’t attracting more website visitors, email clicks, or sign-ups, consider getting a content edit.

Doing this will be cheaper than creating new marketing content from scratch, especially if you are not sure whether your copywriter is using the most effective sales techniques.

Many freelance editors and inbound marketing consultants provide this service at affordable rates, while also offering useful tips on improving your overall marketing.


 Avoid These Common Marketing Mistakes!

Please visit and get your free report, 26 Marketing Mistakes & Simple Ways to Avoid Them: How to Attract Loyal Clients on a Small Budget.

Discover 26 of the most serious mistakes that entrepreneurs, small business owners, consultants, and other self-employed individuals routinely make when trying to promote their products and services.

You will also receive:

  1. Weekly emails that will help you build a profitable marketing funnel
  2. Tips to help you find competent and reliable freelance copywriters and consultants
  3. Learn how to use direct marketing methods within your inbound funnel for more effective results
  4. Bonus downloads that discuss best practices for building your own marketing funnel




Generate Better Returns on Your Marketing Content!

If you would like to optimize your landing pages, product descriptions, home page, and other marketing content to generate more website traffic and sales, please contact me


Get a Copy Critique: Discover Why Your Marketing Content Isn’t Generating Sales

Get a Copy Critique: Discover Why Your Marketing Content Isn’t Generating Sales

You have spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars creating, editing, and revising landing pages, emails, sales pages, ads, and other promotional materials for your products and services.

 Unfortunately, nothing seems to increase your website traffic, email sign-ups, or sales results.



Have your thought about getting a copy critique (review)?

Sometimes, changing the words or word sequence in your headlines, subject lines, or lead paragraph is enough to achieve massive increases in website traffic, downloads, and email subscriptions.

A marketing copywriter professional will analyze your marketing and sales content from the perspective of a potential customer, and give you objective feedback on what is working and what isn’t.

You will learn what could be changed in your webpages, email messages, and other funnel content to make it more effective. It might be your sales approach, wording, sequence of copywriting elements, balance of features and benefits, or offers.



What’s Included in a Copy Critique?

 A copy critique (audit / review) evaluates whether your marketing content follows best practices such as:


      • Use of sales psychology copywriting techniques
      • Proper use of headlines and subheadings
      • Content that follows a persuasive sequence
      •  Copywriting flow and structure that gets people to take   action
      •  Logical arguments that support your claims
      • Proper emphasis on benefits that matter to potential customers
      • Smooth transitions between sections
      • Presence of testimonials and social proof
      • Appeal to readers’ emotions




Copy Critiques Provide an Affordable way to Optimize Your Marketing

A copy critique offers a fast, inexpensive way to discover what is keeping your marketing content and materials from attracting more potential customers, and persuading them to buy your products and services.

Critiques are also cheaper than creating new sales content from scratch without being sure you have the right approach for getting the results you seek.





 Avoid These Common Marketing Mistakes!

Please visit and get your free report, 26 Marketing Mistakes & Simple Ways to Avoid Them: How to Attract Loyal Clients on a Small Budget.

Discover 26 of the most serious mistakes that entrepreneurs, small business owners, consultants, and other self-employed individuals routinely make when trying to promote their products and services.

You will also receive:

  1. Weekly emails that will help you build a profitable marketing funnel
  2. Tips to help you find competent and reliable freelance copywriters and consultants
  3. Learn how to use direct marketing methods within your inbound funnel for more effective results
  4. Bonus downloads that discuss best practices for building your own marketing funnel




Discover if Your Marketing Copy is Following Best Practices!