Marketing Audit Report

I carried out a basic marketing audit for the following website:



I discovered your website through As a freelance marketing consultant, I noticed a few issues on your website that might be hurting your ability to attract more potential clients.

If you’re interested, here are a few changes you might consider making on your website:

Home page
Move the following paragraphs to the top portion of your home page, in order to generate a greater level of emotional response from website visitors:

“Nothing seems to be going right.

Your confidence is at an all-time low.

Everything gets on your nerves, and you frequently lose your temper.

Anxiety and depression have a constant hold on you.
Your professional life is in shambles.

Constantly stuck in low-paying dead-end jobs.

Deferring to bosses who pile on task after task with no regard for
your well-being.

Sitting idly by while you’re passed over for another promotion.
Just thinking about standing up for yourself causes panic.

Your heart races, nearly pounding out of your chest.

Sweat pours from you, soaking through your clothing.

Thoughts swirl through your mind until you feel like you’re going to
pass out.
Sleep has become a thing of the past.

With so much on your mind, sleep becomes impossible.

You try drinking to help doze off, but it’s a short-term fix.

Knowing that you have to face the day exhausted creates more
stress. The cycle repeats.
You want desperately to find a loving partner.

But being sleep-deprived and hungover is not the best starting point.

And it seems that you’re always looking in the wrong places.

Constantly settling for partners who don’t value you.
Being treated poorly has a lasting

It leaves a damaging imprint on your psyche.

Disempowering messages plant themselves in your mind and fester.

You get caught in a negative feedback loop from which it’s impossible to break free.
Stress manifests itself in everything
you do.

It has begun to affect your physical well-being.

Friends and family never see you anymore, and they’ve started asking why.

You can’t concentrate when so many other things are on your mind.
Something has to change.

It’s time to take better care of your mind and body.

Stand up for yourself at work and home.

Refuse to tolerate people treating you like anything less than the
precious human you are.”

Blog Post
Create a few blog posts using  some of the answers on your FAQ page. This will allow potential customers to get an idea about your methods and style.

At the bottom of the blog posts, promote your free downloads.


Free Coaching  Session:
Create a separate web page and menu item  to let more potential clients know that  you offer a free session.


 Free Download:

Offer a free e-book, meditation audio, or other helpful guide that potential customers can download if they  provide their contact information. This will help you to create an email list where you can continuously promote your services.

Create a separate web page and menu item promoting your free download. This will help more website visitors to sign up for your free offer.

Have you considered getting website marketing audit?

 I offer free site audits to potential clients to give them an idea of how effective their marketing content is.

After completing the audit, I will send a  report summarizing what aspects of your site may need to be changed or updated. This is all included in your free audit.

 If you’re then interested in fixing any of the problems mentioned in the report, we can start by          working on a small project in order for you to try out my services.




To request a free website marketing audit, please visit: and click on Request a Complimentary Website  Marketing Content Audit!

You are also welcome to download my free book “26 Marketing Mistakes & Simple Ways
to Fix Them”  at