Sample cold lead generation email for apprenticeship program


Remote apprenticeships: a proven, affordable way to grow your marketing team


Are you struggling to find reliable marketing help?

As a small business owner, you have to stay on top of your marketing campaigns, in addition to hundreds of other tasks needed to keep your business running.

Neglecting your marketing means less sales and growth, while rushing through it leads to low response rates.

Working with a remote marketing apprentice will help you to solve this dilemma:
⦁ Develop your marketing talent in-house
⦁ Help marketers grow, while they help your business grow
⦁ Allow your employees to focus on more complex projects by outsourcing routine marketing tasks

“We recommend Acadium as a proven source of talent to help our founders manage the multiple tasks required to grow a successful brand”
Shopify for Startups

Acadium can help you to:

⦁ Pre-screen apprentice candidates who match your needs
⦁ Try out apprentices before hiring them
⦁ And more

Learn more at