Does your marketing system ignore these rules?

Does your marketing system ignore these rules?

 If you’re like most business owners, you probably copy the same marketing methods that everyone else is using, or follow the recommendations of some popular guru on YouTube.

Unfortunately, most small business owners just follow the latest trends and fads, instead of building marketing systems using proven methods and best practices.

As marketing guru Dan S. Kennedy often states, you need to think like a professional direct marketer and base your decisions on facts and data.

That’s the only way to differentiate yourself from the majority of small businesses using bland, poorly designed marketing systems.
Kennedy created a set of unofficial rules to help small business owners build the most effective possible marketing system.

Here are the rules of direct marketing:

Rule #1. There Will Always Be an Offer
Any piece of content you create needs to have an offer, in order to push your potential customers to take some type of action that gets them closer to becoming a customer.

Rule #2. There Will Be a Reason to Respond Right Now
Most people avoid taking action, and prefer to put things off whenever they can. That’s why it’s necessary to offer incentives to get potential customers to take action.

Rule #3. You Will Give Clear Instructions
Your marketing content should always provide detailed instructions, as a way to guide potential customers to take the next step inside your marketing funnel. Giving people as much information and guidance as possible increases the likelihood of them eventually doing business with you.

Rule #4. There Will Be Tracking, Measurement, and Accountability
Tracking the performance of your marketing efforts is the only way to know if it’s actually working. Measuring your campaigns also lowers costs by allowing you to fix small issues before they turn into expensive problems.

Rule #5. Only No-Cost Brand-Building
Small businesses should only focus on marketing that aims to attract potential customers or generate more sales. Unfocused advertising that only talks about a brand’s qualities works for large companies with huge advertising budgets.

Rule #6. There Will Be Follow-Up
Every interaction with a potential customer should be followed by further interactions. This applies to every stage, from initial contact to repeat sales and referrals. Small businesses cannot afford to let potential customers slip away and go to the competition.

Rule #7. There Will Be Strong Copy
In order for your products and services to stand out from the competition, you need to have marketing and sales writing that persuades potential customers to buy from you.

Good copywriting has to:
- Gain attention
- Play on emotions
- Establish credibility
- Provide hope
- Generate desire
- Persuade people to take action

Rule #8. It Will Look Like Mail-Order Advertising
Unlike major corporations, small businesses have to advertise their products and services on small budgets. That’s why it’s essential to stick with proven advertising formats, instead of trying to create fancy, glamorous ads. Using basic formats and direct marketing methods in your ads will generate the best returns on your advertising campaigns.

Rule #9. Results Rule. Period.
When evaluating your marketing campaigns, it’s a good idea to base your opinions according to the results you get.

The most successful small business marketers have the discipline to avoid giving in to trends and fads. They set up their marketing systems according to proven formulas, and leave their best performing campaigns alone.

Rule #10. You Will Be a Tough-Minded Disciplinarian and Put Your Business on a Strict Direct
In order to have a marketing system that consistently helps you increase sales and grow your business, you need to have the will and discipline to continue using the strategies and methods that work. You also need to abandon what isn’t working, even if doing so feels uncomfortable.

Please click below to learn how to apply these direct marketing rules to your own business:

2 thoughts on “Does your marketing system ignore these rules?”

  1. Unfortunately you’re right. That’s why they get such bad results.

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