Your website provides interesting, valuable information and offers highly useful downloadable materials like e-books.
Your customers love your customer service.
You sell quality products and services that can help a lot more people if only they would buy from you.
Despite all of this, your blog posts, ads, and sales pages don’t generate the results you expect:
- Increased email subscriptions
- Higher sales
- Referrals
If you’re confident about the quality of what you offer and know that your written materials contain useful and practical information, the solution to your low response rates may be to rewrite your website content and your sales materials.
How Does a Rewrite Improve Your Marketing Results?
A content rewrite turns poorly structured materials into persuasive marketing content that gets results.
Educational content, such as articles, need to accomplish certain goals, in order to build trust with potential customers:
⦁ Convince potential customers that you are an expert in your field
⦁ Follow a specific sequence that provides readers with strong arguments that support your main ideas
⦁ Provide information that has practical value to your potential customers
⦁ Give readers a glimpse of your personality and approach to doing business
Promotional materials and content, on the other hand, should follow proven sales and persuasion best practices:
- Apply sales persuasion structures and sequences
- Ask people to take action
- Balance the use of logical arguments with emotional appeals
- Focus on the needs, desires and problems of its target audience
- Reflect your brand’s style
Applying these recommendations to your marketing materials may be all that is needed to boost your website’s performance and attain higher returns on your marketing investment.
A trained copywriter or digital marketing consultant can take a disorganized, ineffective piece of content, and transform it into a successful sales letter, email campaign, etc.
On the other hand, a webpage might be so poorly written and messy that you’re better off throwing it out and starting from scratch, rather than wasting time trying to fix it.
Either way, it’s important to remember that your website content is part of the sales process, and just like a good salesperson, it needs to be trustworthy and persuasive in order to generate the results you seek.
Avoid These Common Marketing Mistakes!
Please visit and get your free report, 26 Marketing Mistakes & Simple Ways to Avoid Them: How to Attract Loyal Clients on a Small Budget.
Discover 26 of the most serious mistakes that entrepreneurs, small business owners, consultants, and other self-employed individuals routinely make when trying to promote their products and services.
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- Weekly emails that will help you build a profitable marketing funnel
- Tips to help you find competent and reliable freelance copywriters and consultants
- Learn how to use direct marketing methods within your inbound funnel for more effective results
- Bonus downloads that discuss best practices for building your own marketing funnel
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